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  • Materials:

Metallic Alloys, Tool Materials, Ceramics and Glasses, Composites, Amorphous Materials, Nanomaterials, Biomaterials, Engineering Polymers

  • Properties:

Ductility and Crack Resistance, Fatigue, Creep-resistance, Fracture Mechanics, Mechanical, Properties, Corrosion and Erosion, Wear Resistance, Working Properties of Materials and Products

  • Methodology of Research:

Electron Microscopy, X-ray Phase Analysis, Metallography and Quantitative Metallography, Image Analysis

  • Analysis and Modelling:

Numerical Techniques, Statistic Methods, Rapid Prototyping, CAD/CAM, CAMS, CAQ, Engineering Design, Applied Mechanics, Computational Material Science and Mechanics, Materials, Artificial Intelligence Methods

  • Manufacturing and Processing:

Casting, Powder Metallurgy, Welding, Sintering, Heat Treatment, Thermo-Chemical Treatment, Thin & Thick Coatings, Surface Treatment, Plastic Forming, Quality Assessment, Automation Engineering Processes

  • Cooperation with the industry in the implementation of research projects
  • Quality in material engineering

Quality engineering, material quality, quality of manufacturing processes, technology, quality control, quality of laboratory tests, quality management of products and processes